Sunday 23 January 2011

contemporary thriller- SECRET WINDOW

The secret window starts of with the sound of window wipers going back and fourth creating tension as we cannot see anything but a black screen meaning we are anticipating whats to come.The establishing shot is a mid shot of a mans face behind the window screen.This creates a wall between the audience and the character as we are not on the inside of the window, foreshadowing that we will not know allot about this character straight away creating a mystery to who he is.

To add to the conventions of a thriller there is rain on the windows creating the mood for the opening and there are misty skies. this connotates the darkness of the character and the darkness of the even that could have just occurred or is about to.then instead of the character speaking there is a voice played over the scene which we take to be the characters thoughts. this is an innovative an sinister way to display dialogue and is something that i could use in my thriller as dialogue can tend to take away from the thrilleresque atmosphere.then when the character starts to drive away the outside of the car is blurry and we cannot See where he is going, again creating a mystery.

Throughout the driving of the car the character looks angry but we do not know why and as he pulls up we then get a view from inside the car while he is outside as we are clearly not meant to get very close to this character.then the suspense is created as we hear a loud chord and a melody (sinister) starts playing. then we fade to the waves of a sea that could create fear as there are connotations of drowning.and the camera pan upwards and we see what seems to be a wood that looks deserted with nothing but one house in sight. this is sinister and creepy as we do not know who lives there or why anyone would want to live there. then as the name of the film appears it slowly turns to a blood red again creating fear in the audience.

i think that this thriller has a really good opening as there is no opening and the audience focus on just the visual which is what we are going to try and do with out group piece.(not have any dialogue to create fear in the audience as dialogue will give the audience a sense of immediacy with the characters and make them feel safe.

Throughout the film there are may shots that gave me some inspiration for thriller ideas here are just a few of the and i think that they create a really good thrilleresque atmosphere.


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