Thursday 30 December 2010

classic thriller

For classic thrillers I'm referring to Alfred Hitchcock.
he framed his shots to manipulate the feelings of his audience to emphasise the anxiety and fear in his viewers.he seemed to stick to the stereotype characters such a s blond woman who for some stereotypical reason more vulnerable than others. he would add twists in to his movies to keep the audience on the edge and stuck to mostly violence, murder, crime and mystery thrillers that his audience could familiarise themselves with.

How will ill try to create this journey for the audience in my thriller opening? :

I think that because my thriller is only an opening i cannot give too much away to the audience so i will leave my characters nameless creating anxiety. also i will not have no More than two characters as that will enhance the focus of the viewers as too many characters for an opening will complicate there minds.i will try to use the right setting to create suspense and fear. for instance empty parking lots, quiet areas and strange looking buildings.Also to demonstrate the point of view of my characters i would use over the shoulder shots and point of view shots.

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