Thursday 30 December 2010

what is a thriller ?

what is a thriller? well, they say that the term thriller is used very vaguely when it comes to film.Its contents can range from ghosts to mystery and horror as well as crime and action.there are many sub genres of the thriller. they are:
  • crime thriller
  • action thriller
  • sci-fi thriller
  • supernatural thriller
  • zombie thriller
  • conspiracy thriller
  • disaster thriller
  • erotic thriller
  • legal thriller
  • medical thriller
  • mystery thriller
  • political thriller
  • phycological thriller
  • religious thriller
The elements of thrillers

  •  something that contains alot of suspense
  • a mystery that is being solved
  • alot of suspicious crime
  • the wondering of whats next
Martin Rubin claims that the genre is to broad and that we cannot compare the genre of thriller with those of western or science fiction.he said that as the genre has to combine with others ( crime thriller) that there will never be such a thing as a ''pure , freestanding thriller.''

some examples of thrillers would be:
  •  the secret window
  • the lost boys
  • the lovely bones
the type of characters one would expect to find in thrillers would be :

  • a villain
  • a victim
  • a hero
  • a not so smart teen (preferably a girl, blond)
  • a masked character
  • a character of who, you do not know there identity
As you can see there is question to whether the thriller genre can be defined as just a thriller as the elements that it contains are too vague.

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