Monday 9 May 2011

What Ive Learnt Throughout This Project

Doing this opening to a thriller project , has helped me be able to expand my media knowledge in many ways. firstly i now know alot of the terminology involved with this aspect of media. for instance different camera's or equiptment and other terminology such as, mis en scene and editing especially as before editing was something that i really struggled with and did not know alot about.

secondly i have been able experience the art of filming and framing as well as sequencing shots to be able to make a film opening that was appealing and engaging to the audience.i now feel i have the skills to structure a film and do deatailed planning towards the production and prepareation of storyboards and framing.

I think that personally from the prelimanary task to our final piece we have come a long way which is shown by our final product. there is a clear sense of experimentaion with out shots and angles and also our original sound was very effective to add to the conventions of a thriller.We were able to in the prlim and final task use the
  • 180 degree rule
  • shot reverse shot
  • match on action

Technology involved in our production process

For the process of our production and for the actual filming process our group used alot of equiptment to be able to capture our opening. This equiptment included a HD Flip camera, a tripod, a microphone and an Imac computer.

This is an Imac computer which was used in our procces of editing mainly for our preliminary allowed us to view our shots and images and order them and add effects as well as music.

This is the HD flip camera that we used to do all of our filming right from the focus group interviews to the final product as well as preliminary tasks.

This is the microphone that we attatched to our flip camera to enhance the sound and dialogue that our characters had. as we founf one prblem during the editing of our focus group videos and preliminary tasks was that the sound was not as clear as we would have liked it to be.

This is the software/programme that our group used to do our editing , meaning we were able to alter out shots adding music/sound and other effects as well as order the shots to make them run in sequence.

This is the tripod that we used to help us do out filming. this was most helpful in the scenes of which there was alot of movement because we were able to keeep the camera steady.

Another software that we have been using is youtube so that we can upload our prelim taks and variuos credits that we have made originally, as well as the final opening sequence.This is a good way for us to recieve feedback apart from our focus group interviews.

For the main part of our editing we used Adobe premier pro.using this particular software allowed ud to produce a higher profeesional standard and quality of work rather than using the imacs or imovie. we were able to produce things like this:

These images are our company logo and film title of which both appeared in our opening sequence.

Our target audience


Our final product it will be rated at 15 meaning we are targeting, men and women age 15 and above. The picture above is of Tamara smith. She is 17 year old girl living in the Palmers green which surrounds her with many other youths just like her. She enjoys watching movies, going to gymnastics and going to theatre school in her spare time. She often buys clothes from various stores and tries not to fall into the latest fashion trends.
Teenagers at the age of fifteen have their own thoughts and feelings that they most of the time have no problems with sharing and trying to convince others that there way is the right way. They are also searching for those moments in life of which they can escape from their daily school routines and just be somewhere else. For us this is good as they would love the excitement in the film and the complex character (stalker) would give them someone else to focus on and try to figure out making it all the more interesting.
The television that teenagers watch these days focuses on many social divisions like the popular kids and the nerds and other issues that are highly spoken of in the media like teenage pregnancy, murders, teachers falling for students, going against celibacy or the use of drugs and alcohol. These programmes are mainly aired on either channel 4, E4, or MTV. The programmes that seem to be most popular are things like Glee, 90210, Small Ville or waterloo road
As for music this particular person enjoys a whole variety of music as most teens nowadays. It could range from indie music to R&B or pop. This is highly influenced in the media as most channels provide this music; especially pop which is also apparent on choice fm radio station and kiss fm.
Our film will contain gore, emotional scenes and take the audience on a journey through a complex and confusing mind of a stalker. This will appeal to my target audience because its not just a typical stalker movie; instead it is using a basic idea and turning it into something original and unique.
The only obstacle is that from the ages of 15 to 25 the film would be very entertaining and unique and appealing but reaching into the older audience would not be as successful as they probably would have seen many films that have similar aspects. So it is a bit of a risk denying people under fifteen the chance to see it as we are cutting down our chances of a very large audience.

Who would distribute our film

Film production companies would support the developing and stages of production for my film.They would be the main people associated with provididng the money for the production process and the distributing of the film.Within the industry there are iether independent film compainies like Warp film, caravan films ect or the companies are mainstream like warner bros or twisted pictures. With these distinc  companies comes a distinc style of film which maily occurs within the independent film companies. For instance all of warm films distributions seem to be set in unknown locations or lanmarks, showing their audience what life is like for people living outside of the city. Also warp films seem to produce films that are to do with social realism or real life situations, like “This is England”. Unlike for instance twisted pictures. You can clearly tell from the name that they would distribute dark thilleresque or horror films such as “Saw”
Our film “I See You” would be produced by warp films based on their thier success with films such as “This is England” taking two bafta awardsand their what creativity and uniquenessfor producing films like “trash humpers” and other products like “rubber johnny”, with financial support from national lottery funding and the UK film council.
Warp film is a British film company that first started out as a record shop, and producer of music videos, however through sheer success have expanded their tools and now become very diverse in their innovative films. They launched in 2001 and ever since have worked with iconic name such as director Shane Meadows and director and actor Chris Morris.
This is England is one of the most successful films that warp film have produced and worked with Shane meadows on. It worked with a budget of 1.5 million pounds that was contributed by Film 4 and the UK film council. They used actors that they took from workshops apart from a few known names such as Stephen Graham. It made £207,676 in the UK on its opening weekend, and a gross of $327,919 in the USA. Overall it made a total gross of £5,154,493 in the UK and $8,176,544 in the States.
Other successful/ recognisable projects that warp film have been a part of are:
·        Dead man’s shoes
·        Submarine
·        Four lions
·        Donkey punch
Even though however these British films are very successful it is still apparent that Hollywood stills makes the most profit which arguably is based on the amount of money they have to spend. And us as a UK audience are a huge part of that. I think it’s because of the type of films that they seem to display. Most of the films that make the most money are feel good family features , or they contain some new high technology or special effects that catch an audience eye. Just the effects and a complex storyline alone can make a movie millions in a short time before even thinking about use purchasing of DVD’s. For example:

This is England
Budget- 1.5 million
Budget -160 million
Opening weekend - £207,676
Opening weekend - $62,785,337
Gross - $327,919 (USA)
Gross - $820,186,685
Awards - 4 wins & 13 nominations
Awards - Won 4 Oscars. Another 45 wins & 81 nominations

what other charcters represent particular social groups

As we have tried to make our story and the story of the stalker very original and unique it is hard to find charcters that fully match the profile we have given our character however there are some film charcters that have similar qualities or aspects to them.
Edward scissor hands is similar to our character in two ways. Firstly he was neglected and a big outcast from the rest of society for the most part of his life.this caused him to have a hostile personality and be a strange human being to understand at most times.secondly all he is inneed of is a bit of love and family to surround him but he cannot help but hurt others. Although in our case its purposely to get what he wnats you can still see the connection that edward would have with our character.

Sunday 8 May 2011

Evaluation Task 1

This was the establishing shot in our opening sequence. we decided to make this the first thing that people see because it sets not only a dark mysterious tone to the film but has the audience engadged as they will want to know whos hand is on the mask, why would they need the mask and who are the pictures of and why are there knifes stuck in them? all these possible questions that the audience will be asking are very good as it means that they will be on edge and enticed formthe very beggining.

This shot is very intense and is of a knife covering the stalker's victim's photo.There is a zoom in so that you can get a closer visual of the victim. again lots of unawnsered questions will be going through audiences minds at this point.This could forshadow the potential gore that the film has to offer.

Here we have a shot of the isolated, desrted car park that our next abduction scene takes place in.this was a reallyeffective shot beacuse first of all it let the audience know where they were and secondly its isolation gives off a very eerie feeling again putting the audience on edge
This shot is at a very low tilted angle that looks very uncomfortable; hopefully this same effect will come across to the audience. we chose to do this because you dont really see many shots like this in many movies and doing this gave it a bit of originality and showed that we experimented alot with our shot types and there effects.

This particular shot is blurred. the reason for this was to create a very misty effect that let the audience know that things have suddenly change and are no longer as they seem.also its an over the shoulder shot so the audience feel like they are with the character watching their every move.

Here is a shot of the first time our victim lays eyes on her predator. this shot is very effective because its also the first time that the audience see the stalker meaning they just like the cvictim are shocked, therefore creating a relationship with the victim as they can relate to certain feelings.

This over the shoulder shot makes th audience feel as if they are inside the movie watching this scene before their own eyes. this shot almost seems clostrophobic and lets the audience know that there is no escaping for the victim.

This mid shot shows the victim tied up in an unknown location.This particular frame is effective because it is very compact as you can see the excess props in the background.the audience at this point will be confused as to where they are and they will sense this from the victims facial expressions as well.

This personally was one of the most effective shots because it for me just captures that thrilleresque essence.He character almost looks like a ghost. The branches outside the right of the window also give the overall frame that eerie feeling making the audience feel very cold towards the stalker.

Thursday 5 May 2011

Location Recces

  When it came to finding a location to film our piece we contemplated allot of things.
* The area
* did it capture a thrilling essence
* would it look right within the piece.

So we went about to different locations and discussed the pros and cons of each area.
Edmonton green:

When we looked at Edmonton green we found that the location was good. However the only problem was that it was very busy and there are always a lot of members of the public about.
so we carried on looking.

Enfield Town

Although Enfield is a great area it was too commercial to many lights and shops that took away aspects that were thrilling.

Wood green:

Wood green was perfect for us as it fitting with our script and also it was quite and almost abandoned. Filming was not going to become a problem .