Sunday 8 May 2011

Evaluation Task 1

This was the establishing shot in our opening sequence. we decided to make this the first thing that people see because it sets not only a dark mysterious tone to the film but has the audience engadged as they will want to know whos hand is on the mask, why would they need the mask and who are the pictures of and why are there knifes stuck in them? all these possible questions that the audience will be asking are very good as it means that they will be on edge and enticed formthe very beggining.

This shot is very intense and is of a knife covering the stalker's victim's photo.There is a zoom in so that you can get a closer visual of the victim. again lots of unawnsered questions will be going through audiences minds at this point.This could forshadow the potential gore that the film has to offer.

Here we have a shot of the isolated, desrted car park that our next abduction scene takes place in.this was a reallyeffective shot beacuse first of all it let the audience know where they were and secondly its isolation gives off a very eerie feeling again putting the audience on edge
This shot is at a very low tilted angle that looks very uncomfortable; hopefully this same effect will come across to the audience. we chose to do this because you dont really see many shots like this in many movies and doing this gave it a bit of originality and showed that we experimented alot with our shot types and there effects.

This particular shot is blurred. the reason for this was to create a very misty effect that let the audience know that things have suddenly change and are no longer as they seem.also its an over the shoulder shot so the audience feel like they are with the character watching their every move.

Here is a shot of the first time our victim lays eyes on her predator. this shot is very effective because its also the first time that the audience see the stalker meaning they just like the cvictim are shocked, therefore creating a relationship with the victim as they can relate to certain feelings.

This over the shoulder shot makes th audience feel as if they are inside the movie watching this scene before their own eyes. this shot almost seems clostrophobic and lets the audience know that there is no escaping for the victim.

This mid shot shows the victim tied up in an unknown location.This particular frame is effective because it is very compact as you can see the excess props in the background.the audience at this point will be confused as to where they are and they will sense this from the victims facial expressions as well.

This personally was one of the most effective shots because it for me just captures that thrilleresque essence.He character almost looks like a ghost. The branches outside the right of the window also give the overall frame that eerie feeling making the audience feel very cold towards the stalker.

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