Wednesday 4 May 2011

Final Treatmeant : I See You

Here is out final idea for our thriller. we think that this idea would enable us to create an opening of which we can effectively convey the conventions of a thriller.

My media group made a decision of what our final project/film would be called and what it would include. I then taking in mind their comments wrote a treatment for the entire film which is supposed to give the audience an insight of the whole atmosphere of the film.

Main Characters

Stalker: He is a man in his early thirty's and he, from a past childhood trauma is now phycologically damaged.

Claire: she is a sixteen year old girl who is the first victim of the stalker.

Becks: she is another victim; she is thirteen years old and ends up dying at the end.

Anthony: he is sixteen and also gets captured by the stalker.

Synopsis of Entire Film

Stalker (unknown) has had a long dreary life full of rejection, neglection and deciet.when he reaches the age of 30 he suddenly feels that he wants to start a family but realises that there is no one to do that with. So he begins to observe people. People that fit his idea of a perfect family. He comes across three hopefulls.he starts to follow them and get into their daily routine until he is ready for his first capture. Claire. He, after making her unconscious with a chemical substance, takes her back to a house he has renovated for his convenience; He believes that she could be his perfect match and thinks that she could be his mate. There is a table set for dinner of which he straps Claire down to so that she is unable to escape. While she is unconscious he goes to collect his next two victims of which he wants to be his children. Every day he makes them dinner and they go through tedious sinister discussion and are only allocated one point during the day to have a toilet break. One afternoon the stalker urgently leaves the house to sort out some outside business as he feels like people are watching him and are on the verge of finding his captives. Whilst gone Claire manages to plan an escape route with the others and uses the kitchen knives to cut through some of the ropes and wires loosening the grip enough to release herself. She waits for him to return and then makes out that everything is fine on his arrival whilst he is eat she reveals the knife from underneath her lap and launches across the table stabbing him in the shoulder. While he is down on the floor in agonising pain she frees herself and frees the other victims. They roam the house and find a room upstairs with a hammer in the room. Rapidly they try to break the planks barricading the windows. The stalker is now on his way he finds them in the room and grabs a hold of Anthony strangling him. Claire tries to help Backs escape first and then comes back to help Anthony. She tries to fight the stalker but is too weak. She fights until she cannot fight no more and by this time realises that Anthony is probably dead. After he initial shock she picks up the knife and attacks the stalker making sure he is dead before she takes herself and Anthony's dead body outside the window and gets help.

Why this would appeal to our target audience;

For our film we decided that our target audience would be rated at 15 because it has a very complex mature theme and would have a gritty atmosphere. It would interest them because we have put a distinct twist on it and made it original trying to make sure that it didn’t fall into that typical stalker movie stereotype.

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