Tuesday 3 May 2011



Name Of Film: Asylum High

Main Characters:

Danny -he is a sixteen year old boy who attends secondary school. he is not very popular and has trouble making freinds as he only has one. he is pretending to be sick to avoid bullies at school which is the rreason for him bieng one of the uneffected pupils.he goes into achool and then realises that something is not right. after a shocking turn of events he spends his day trying to fight his way out of the school biulding as well as saving the unaffected students that he comes across.at the final obstacle he has to make a descion to kill his best freind or live, so he ends up killing her.

Kaylee: she is sixteen years old and is Danny's only freind and they have a very close relationship. she unfortunatley eats the posiness, contaminated meat and starts to go through some very strange side effects. when Danny arrives in school her only goal is to seek him out and attack him.However towards the end she spirals out of control and ends up harming Danny and mudering a girl called sarah. she the dies as a result of Danny's rage.

Sarah:  sarah is a thirteen year old student. she avoided the meat as she brought in her own lunch. she hides her self away and watches the madness until she realises that she is not alone. she joins forces with Danny and tries to escaoe alongside him but gets caught up in the violence and is brutaly injured by Kaylee.
The storyline for entire film.:

all the students at high school have been poisoned by the school food, that was a new product from a dodgy under priced meat company. the school agreed to use their meat as a trial seen as the meat was cheap.The meat seemed to give the students as well as staff certain side effects such as ; hallucinations, short tempers and mild bi polar disorder. everyone is effected apart from Danny (school boy aged 16-victim) who was absent the day before.he realises that everyone is not right when he encounters weird experiences with his best Friend Kaylee (school girl aged 16-predator).he then becomes very afraid of what the day has in store for him. as things get worse and he gets harmed he tries to escape. but people are lurking around every corner. all is doomed until he meets accomplice Sarah( aged 13 school girl-victim) who is also uninfected. they devise a plan to escape and then try that plan out. however on the way to freedom Sarah gets attacked and becomes unconscious.Danny is left to protect her while protecting himself. but even though there are many obstacles to conquer he somehow does it and manages to save Sarah as well as reporting the incident and save the school.

Idea for the opening:

 i think that the credits would be done on a black background with red writing which foreshadows blood and violence. here is just an exmaple of what it would look like--->  The establishing shot would be a long shot which of the meat factory and then would jump to inside the biulding and the disgusting state the factory is in. Then we cut to a short scene of a dinner lady swapping money for a bag of meat where we then see a car boot full of the bags.(This shot would only focus on the handling of the meat as it is the focus so we will only see the women from the shoulder to the waist.)Then again we cut to a house .we slowly zoom to the top window of the house and go through the room to the bed where we see Danny laying down in bed, pretending to be sick.There will then be a close up of his mobile phone and he will get a call from his best Friend (Kaylee) where they talk.Then as the phone call finishes we see a close up of Kaylee in school about to place the meat in her mouth.

The target audience:

 would be about the age of 12A.This is because this film would more appeal to teenagers as that is who the charcters are played by so there would be some sort of immediate connection between the audience and the characters. also although the content is quite viloent and gorry at times there is not much use of explicit language or anything of that sort so i think that it is a siutable age to view this film.also i think that this film would appeal to my audeince because it wouold shock them and make them start to thinnk that the fiom is not to far off of reality.(for example the reason that most horrors are scary is because they are set in suburben areas which are then brutally disturbed.which then makes the audience feel unsafe beacuse they no longer feel like their home or safew place is reliable on safety anymore.)

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