Wednesday 4 May 2011

First Script

For our film we had to start off by making a script. i made the first draft of our script which was basically just so that we as a group could see where our film was in progress and get a grasp of what our film would containand feel like.

Scene 1: 
INT: bedroom-night time      Fade in:
a small room. Walls full of pictures of a girl. The camera pans across the room and stops at a mirror. Through the mirror we see a figure getting ready; we do not know who it is and they are wearing a a mask. The credits are fading in and out.
EXT: car park                    Jump cut:
girl is walking through a car park.(casually) something drops on the floor and she turns to see what it was and then carries on walking. She enters the lift doors and then waits for the doors to shut.
INT: elevator         jump cut:
Close up of the girl in the elevator looking forward. She hears her phone ring and looks to check her texts. There is a text from an unknown number saying ‘ i see you’. She panics and there is a close up of her worried face. The lift door opens and there is the man in the mask waiting for her.
A long shot of the man in the mask. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a weapon and jumps towards the girl to attack her and the screen cuts to black and the credits roll.

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