Monday 9 May 2011

What Ive Learnt Throughout This Project

Doing this opening to a thriller project , has helped me be able to expand my media knowledge in many ways. firstly i now know alot of the terminology involved with this aspect of media. for instance different camera's or equiptment and other terminology such as, mis en scene and editing especially as before editing was something that i really struggled with and did not know alot about.

secondly i have been able experience the art of filming and framing as well as sequencing shots to be able to make a film opening that was appealing and engaging to the audience.i now feel i have the skills to structure a film and do deatailed planning towards the production and prepareation of storyboards and framing.

I think that personally from the prelimanary task to our final piece we have come a long way which is shown by our final product. there is a clear sense of experimentaion with out shots and angles and also our original sound was very effective to add to the conventions of a thriller.We were able to in the prlim and final task use the
  • 180 degree rule
  • shot reverse shot
  • match on action

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