Monday 9 May 2011

Technology involved in our production process

For the process of our production and for the actual filming process our group used alot of equiptment to be able to capture our opening. This equiptment included a HD Flip camera, a tripod, a microphone and an Imac computer.

This is an Imac computer which was used in our procces of editing mainly for our preliminary allowed us to view our shots and images and order them and add effects as well as music.

This is the HD flip camera that we used to do all of our filming right from the focus group interviews to the final product as well as preliminary tasks.

This is the microphone that we attatched to our flip camera to enhance the sound and dialogue that our characters had. as we founf one prblem during the editing of our focus group videos and preliminary tasks was that the sound was not as clear as we would have liked it to be.

This is the software/programme that our group used to do our editing , meaning we were able to alter out shots adding music/sound and other effects as well as order the shots to make them run in sequence.

This is the tripod that we used to help us do out filming. this was most helpful in the scenes of which there was alot of movement because we were able to keeep the camera steady.

Another software that we have been using is youtube so that we can upload our prelim taks and variuos credits that we have made originally, as well as the final opening sequence.This is a good way for us to recieve feedback apart from our focus group interviews.

For the main part of our editing we used Adobe premier pro.using this particular software allowed ud to produce a higher profeesional standard and quality of work rather than using the imacs or imovie. we were able to produce things like this:

These images are our company logo and film title of which both appeared in our opening sequence.

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